Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Too Many Thoughts to Process

There are a million thoughts going through my mind...
all photos obtained from google images

thoughts of black boys being murdered
thoughts of disunity
thoughts of disconnected Blacks, disconnected Whites, disconnected parents, disconnected kids
thoughts of people pouring ice water over their heads without knowledge of the disease they are raising money for
thoughts of frustration....


thoughts of peace

thoughts of unity
thoughts of love
thoughts of celebration
thoughts of equality


thoughts of dis-ease
thoughts of health
thoughts of my ancestors
thoughts of change
thoughts of fear

thoughts of new beginnings
thoughts of healing
thoughts of life

thoughts of love
thoughts of love
thoughts of haaaaa.....

thoughts of love
thoughts of love

thoughts of love
thoughts of love...  love... love... love... loooooooooove...

(think with me)

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